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La confiance en soi : comment la cultiver ?

Le podcast #Passerelles de cette semaine explore la confiance en soi, un thème suggéré par les auditeurs. Emilie se demande ce qui la favorise, le rôle des interactions sociales & partage ses astuces pour la cultiver. Un épisode riche en réflexions ! #confiance #bienveillance
19.8 mins
Word Count
2313 (718 unique words)
Language Learning
Personal Development
Social Interactions
Social Issues
Social Psychology
Passerelles, .
Welcome to Bridges, a podcast designed to spark the curiosity of French language learners.
Emilie , , .
Hi, I'm Emilie, and this week, as usual, I'd like to invite you to take a few minutes to reflect on a question together.
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In each episode, I try to bring you different topics to explore.
My goal is simply to share with you some food for thought and to encourage you to ask yourself questions in French.
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Last week, I noticed a recurring theme in my conversation workshops, and even in my reading.
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Today's topic is self-confidence.
est-ce .
"What makes you so sure of yourself?" That's a question you hear in a commercial for an electric car that's on TV right now.
, sujet-là.
But to be honest, I hadn't planned on talking to you about this at all.
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I don't know if you're up to date, and just so you know, being up to date on something means knowing about it or being informed.
Spotify, .
On Spotify, there's a Q&A section where you can send me a message.
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, , Angèle.
I'm telling you all this because someone recently reached out to me in this Q&A space and asked if I could do an episode on Angèle (a Belgian singer).
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You know that Belgian singer? That's a great idea! I'll keep her in mind for later. And a big thank you to whoever suggested her – if you're reading this, you rock!
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By the way, if you have any ideas for future episodes, feel free to share them with me.
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I added a form to the podcast notes to make things easier.
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This week, we're interested in self-confidence.
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And the question we're going to ask ourselves is this.
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Why are some people confident and others not? First, we'll explore what fosters self-confidence, and then we'll delve into the role of social interactions.
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And lastly, I have my doubts sometimes too.
So, I'm going to share with you some things that help me when I lack self-confidence.

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