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Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou râtelle les feuilles (S01E30) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français

Caillou et sa famille passent une belle journée d'automne à jouer dans les feuilles. Caillou aide son papa à ramasser les feuilles et imagine qu'elles sont des maisons. #Caillou #Automne #Famille
5 mins
Word Count
394 (201 unique words)
Children & Childhood
Arts & Literature
Family & Parenting
Children's Literature
Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou râtelle les feuilles  (S01E30) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français
You're a big boy now.
I love being at home with you.
It's me, the big boy.
I'm Tayo and I love everything.
Here it is.
It's starting to get cold outside.
I'm glad we're all cozy and warm together.
Let's see what our little rock has been up to today.
Caillou .
The story I'm going to tell you today is called "Rock Rakes the Leaves."
Caillou Mousseline .
Caillou and Mousseline were having so much fun that they didn't even notice their parents watching them.
Caillou, .
Good evening, Caillou.
You both seem to be having a great time.
Papa, , .
Dad, mom, we've come to play with you.
Let the walnut tree drown the leaves.
Montre-moi , Mousseline.
Show me a red leaf, Mousseline.
, .
I found a mom, another one all red.
, Caillou , Mousseline.
Thank you, Caillou, and thank you, Mousseline.
Caillou .
Caillou loved spending the day with his family, playing with the autumn leaves.
, .
Alright, it's time to head home and start preparing dinner.
, .
Come on, kids, let's go.
, .
I'll be raking the leaves.
Caillou .
Caillou was having so much fun that he had no desire to go home.
, .
On the contrary, he would have loved for this day to last forever.
Est-ce , .
Of course, I think it's a great idea to rake the leaves.
Sure thing.
, Caillou.
There are a lot of leaves, Caillou.
Penses-tu .
Do you think we'll be able to scrape them all? Yes.
, , .
You know, Dad, I'd really like him to have the leaves.
, , , .
Oh, well, I find that quite tiring.
But it's much more fun to do it together.
Caillou , .
Caillou loved helping his dad, but he also loved playing.
He imagined that the piles of leaves were actually the houses of a city.
I'd love to live in that one.
Caillou .
Caillou was having so much fun pretending that piles of leaves were houses that he didn't even notice it was getting dark.
Papa, .
My dad had decided to come see my house.
Ouah, , .
Wow, that's a beautiful house.
Est-ce ?
Is it you who made it?
, deux, .
Let's go, both of you, we're about to sit down for dinner.
Papa, .
Dad, I absolutely loved my day.
Me too.
I really love having my whole family around me.
, .
Yes, me too.
, , .
You scraped up every single leaf. Yes, there were tons and tons of them, but I managed to build a city out of those leaves.
, est-ce , Caillou , est-ce
He really helped me out, didn't he, Caillou Hey, What's on your head?

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