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Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou dort chez un ami (S01E54) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français

Caillou dort pour la première fois chez son ami Léo. Il s'amuse bien, mais au moment du coucher, il est triste et s'ennuie de ses parents. Un appel à sa maman et un câlin à son nounours le réconfortent. #Caillou #DodoChezUnAmi #Grandir
5 mins
Word Count
465 (210 unique words)
Childhood Development
Family Life
Arts & Literature
Social Issues
Children's Literature
Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou dort chez un ami  (S01E54) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français
You're a big boy now.
I love being at home with you.
It's me, the big boy.
I'm known as Caillou.
Caillou, .
It's me, Caillou.
Here it is.
I'm really glad you're spending the night at my place.
, , Caillou .
And look, in the book I'm about to read you, Caillou does the same thing.
Caillou .
The story is called "Caillou Sleeps Over at a Friend's House."
Léo, Caillou, Caillou .
It all started when Leo, Caillou's friend, invited Caillou to spend the night at his place.
Caillou .
Caillou helped his mom pack his bag.
, .
Think about it, I think we're forgetting something.
My pajamas.
, .
And yes, here we are.
Léo, .
If you want to sleep over at Leo's, you'll definitely need a pajama.
Are you sure you've got everything?
Caillou .
It was Caillou's first time spending the night at a friend's house, and he was really excited about it.
, , Caillou.
Come on, hurry up, Caillou.
, est-ce ?
I've got this feeling I've forgotten something, but I can't put my finger on it. What on earth could it be?
Let's see what you've got.
Your pajamas.
My pajamas.
Your toothbrush.
My toothbrush.
And your teddy bear?
We forgot the teddy bear.
I need to go get it.
, .
Alright, we've got everything now.
, ?
Shall we get going then?
Léo Caillou Léo, Caillou, .
Léo's dad had built a treehouse in their garden, and Caillou loved playing in it. "Léo, Caillou, time for dinner!"
Come wash your hands quickly.
Caillou Léo.
Caillou was having a blast at Leo's place.
, .
But when the time for dinner arrived, he started to feel a bit down.
, .
He was thinking about his dad, his mom, and his home.
est-ce Caillou , .
What's up? Aren't you hungry, Rock? If I'm hungry, let's see who finishes their plate first and wins the dessert race.
, Léo Caillou.
And soon, it was time for Leo and Caillou to go to bed.
Caillou Léo, .
Caillou thought it was even fun to brush his teeth at Leo's house.
, , .
But when it was time to go to bed, his dad, mom, and home started to feel terribly missed.
He felt truly miserable.
deux , Caillou.
You're both ready to sleep now, Caillou. It's time for you to go to bed.
Goodnight, darling.
est-ce , Caillou.
What's up? You look really sad, Caillou.
He's coming over to my place.
I know exactly what we're going to do.
dirais-tu ?
How about you give your mom a call?
, .
I want to go home, Mom.
, , dis-moi, ?
Uh, honey, tell me, where's teddy?
In the chat.
In your bag?
, , Léon.
The poor guy quickly went to fetch it, he must have felt really lonely, he who was so happy to spend the night at your friend Léon's.
Caillou .
Caillou ran to get his teddy bear from his bag.
He didn't feel like going home anymore.
He was so happy, he hugged a teddy bear tightly.
Nounours .
Bear feels better now. Yes, because I hug him close.
, , .
Goodnight, have sweet dreams.

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