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Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou prend l'avion (S01E56) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français

Caillou prend l'avion pour la première fois et il adore ça! Il voit le sol d'en haut, prend son petit-déjeuner et visite même le cockpit avec le pilote! ✈️👨‍✈️ #Caillou #Voyage #Avion
5 mins
Word Count
356 (205 unique words)
Arts & Literature
Family & Parenting
Children's Literature
Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou prend l'avion  (S01E56) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français
You're a big boy now.
I love being at home with you.
It's me, the big boy.
I'm Caillou.
It's me, Caillou.
Here it is.
Asseyez-vous, .
Please take your seats, fasten your seatbelts, and get ready for takeoff.
It's story time.
Caillou, , .
Look, Caillou is all set to take off too.
Caillou Caillou , .
**The story I'm about to read to you today is called "Rocky Takes a Plane".** Rocky was going on vacation with his family, and this was his first time on an airplane. So, you're all ears now.
Caillou .
Caillou was eager for the plane to take off.
, Caillou, .
Buckle up, Caillou, the plane is taking off soon.
Assis-toi .
Sit back comfortably.
deux, Maman, .
You two, Mom, you're all set. He needs to seat you comfortably.
The plane finally took off.
Caillou .
Caillou loved watching the ground fade away as he looked out the window.
, .
And those little squares over there are houses.
, .
We'll be there soon. Not yet, just a moment.
Voulez-vous Waouh.
Do you want your breakfast? Our breakfasts are amazing!
Caillou .
Caillou had never had breakfast on an airplane before.
, Caillou .
After breakfast, Caillou's dad decided to put on some music.
Caillou .
Caillou was curious to know what all his buttons were for.
Caillou, , .
Hi Caillou, I hope your flight is going well.
You should say hello to our pilot, Caillou.
Est-ce .
Would you like to see how we fly an airplane? Yes, please.
Sure, here's the translation following your guidelines: "Of course, with pleasure, thank you. That's very kind of you. Welcome to the cockpit." Here's why I chose this translation: - "Oui avec plaisir" is a polite way to say "yes, please" or "yes, with pleasure." - "Merci c'est très gentil" means "thank you, that's very kind" or "thank you, you're very kind." - "Bienvenue dans la cabine de pilotage" means "welcome to the cockpit." I kept it as is since it's a common term in aviation.
I'd like you to meet Caillou.
Hi there, Stone.
est-ce , ?
What's that, Dad?
, Caillou.
It's clouds, Caillou.
Est-ce ?
Are we living in a dream right now?
I quite enjoy being in my own little world.
, .
Please return to your seats, we will be landing shortly.
, .
Oh, I almost forgot.
, .
Here you go: > Hey, all our young pilots are receiving this insignia.
Caillou .
Caillou was thrilled to receive this pilot badge.
, .
Shortly after, the plane landed at the airport.
, .
And here we are, we've landed.
Thank you for traveling with us.
, Caillou, .
Goodbye, I hope you have a great time on your vacation, Caillou, and I hope to see you when you're back on your way home.

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