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Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou aime le cirque (S01E08) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français

Caillou boude car papa lui a promis d'aller au cirque aujourd'hui, mais il doit attendre demain. Papa l'aide à se calmer en créant un cirque imaginaire au petit-déjeuner. #Caillou #Cirque #Patience
5 mins
Word Count
457 (214 unique words)
Arts & Literature
Children's Literature
Family & Parenting
Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou aime le cirque  (S01E08) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français
You're a big boy now.
I love being at home with you.
It's me, the big boy.
Caillou .
I love Caillou, it's me.
Here it is.
, .
Come, children, it's story time.
, Caillou .
Look, it seems like Caillou isn't happy.
I wonder what's up with him.
, Caillou .
Today, my story is titled "Rocky Loves the Circus."
, , .
I dreamt of a tiger, it was enormous.
Papa , .
Dad said he's taking me to the circus today, he promised me.
, .
This morning, I'm going to get dressed all by myself.
, .
You'll see dad, he'll be thrilled.
, .
Oh no, I forgot to brush my teeth.
, .
Look, I'm all set.
I got dressed all by myself.
, , .
"Ah, I see, my boy, you've done very well indeed."
, .
It's still early, you know.
, .
Yes, but I don't want to arrive late to the circus.
Caillou, .
Let's go, Caillou, we're not going to the circus today.
We're going there tomorrow.
, , .
No, no, it's today.
I got dressed to go there.
, .
No, it's today.
Caillou, .
Let's go, Caillou, come help me prepare breakfast.
, .
No, I won't be coming down.
, , , , .
It's a car, it's on the dot, it's on the dot, it's on the dot, it's on the dot.
Caillou .
Caillou was in a terrible mood because he couldn't go to the circus.
Caillou, .
Calm down, Caillou.
You woke up your little sister.
I want you to go down to the kitchen right now.
Caillou .
Even Caillou's dad was starting to get annoyed.
est-ce .
"Why can't I go to the circus? I can go, who wants toasted bread? We can cut little ducks out of it like grandma does."
, , .
No, I'm not going to make little ducks, that's just for babies.
, , dirais-tu .
Alright, how about this? We could cut out animal shapes from our bread and eat them with soft-boiled eggs.
Laisse-moi .
Let me think about it.
, .
It's missing something, something that always comes before the circus animals.
As-tu .
Have you guessed what it is? A parade.
A waxworks display.
, .
Bravo, you've guessed it.
I'm going to get the eggs.
You should have told me you wanted scrambled eggs.
I didn't do it on purpose.
Caillou, .
I know, Caillou, I know you didn't mean to.
It was just an accident.
Look at the bread.
, , .
Oh, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot.
, , .
Yes, yes, yes.
, .
You can work in the circus, dad.
You've got a really talented juggler.
Mousseline .
Mousseline could be our clown.
est-ce , , ?
What's going on here? We're at the circus, but you're in our parade, Mom?
Veux-tu ?
Would you like to be the pretty girl riding a horse?
, , .
No, thank you, darling.
I think I'll be the young mom who goes back to bed.

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