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Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou et son papa (S01E39) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français

Caillou et son papa préparent une surprise pour maman pendant son absence : un meuble fait maison ! Mais il manque de la peinture... Heureusement, ils trouvent une solution ensemble ! #famille #bricolage #surprise
5 mins
Word Count
340 (179 unique words)
Children's Activities
Family & Relationships
Arts & Literature
Children's Literature
Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou et son papa  (S01E39) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français
You're a big boy now.
I love being at home with you.
It's me, the big boy.
Caillou, Caillou, .
I'm Caillou, that's me.
Here it is.
Êtes-vous , , .
Are you ready to hear a story, kids? Yes, grandma.
Caillou .
Let's see what Rock did today.
, Caillou .
Today's story is called "Caillou and His Dad."
, .
Goodbye, mom.
Goodbye, darling.
And especially, don't go pulling any stunts, you two.
Maman Mousseline, Caillou .
Mom and Mousseline, Caillou's little sister, were setting off for the day.
Caillou .
This meant that Caillou was going to spend the whole day alone with her dad.
, .
What I love about mornings is having a good cup of café au lait.
, .
You're right, it's delicious.
Est-ce Caillou .
Do you remember our secret project? Caillou had agreed to help his dad prepare a surprise for his mom.
Penses-tu , .
Do you think mom will like her new furniture? Oh yes, I'm really proud of it.
Caillou , deux.
Caillou loved spending moments like this with his dad, just the two of them.
I hope this paint dries quickly.
Oh no.
Oh no.
Oh, that's not true.
est-ce .
What's up with me, well first off, you're covered in paint.
You're covered in paint too.
It's true, and furthermore, I've gone and forgotten to buy the blue paint to go on top of the base coat.
I know exactly what we're going to do.
, .
We mustn't get discouraged, we'll find a solution.
You're all cleaned up.
Alright then, let's go.
, .
You see, there's always a way to find a solution.
Sais-tu .
Do you know what color Mom would like? Here it is.
Then let's take it.
, , Caillou.
We've found a solution, you see, exactly, Caillou.
Caillou midi-là, .
Caillou and his dad decided that for lunch that day, they would have hot dogs.
Coucou, .
Hi, we're here.
This is Dad.
est-ce deux , .
"But what on earth did you two get up to? We decided to surprise you, Mom."
, .
Oh, a bookshelf, please.
That's exactly what I wanted.
est-ce est-ce
But what do I see here? Who gave me this lovely little book?

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