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Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou l'explorateur (S01E62) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français

Caillou et sa sœur Sarah jouent aux explorateurs dans le jardin avec une loupe. Ils imaginent une jungle avec des animaux et entendent le tonnerre, pensant que ce sont des tam-tams. #Caillou #Explorateur #Imagination
5 mins
Word Count
407 (203 unique words)
Arts & Literature
Children's Literature
Early Childhood Education
Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou l'explorateur  (S01E62) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français
You're a big boy now.
I love being at home with you.
It's me, the big boy.
Caillou, Caillou, .
I'm Caillou, that's me.
Here it is.
It's story time.
Caillou .
Let's see what Rock has been up to today.
That sounds utterly fascinating.
Caillou .
The story I'm about to read is called "Caillou the Explorer."
Veux-tu , Caillou Oui, .
Sure, Mom.
, .
Hold on, put this on to protect yourself from the sun.
Caillou, .
Hello Caillou, how's it going?
, Caillou .
To start, you can water the flowers. Caillou and I will prune the rose bush.
, .
It looks like it's going to rain, so there's no point in watering the flowers.
How's it going?
, Caillou, .
Check this out, Caillou, look through this.
est-ce ?
What's that?
, , , .
It's really cool, we call it a magnifying glass, but be careful, it's very fragile.
est-ce ?
What does that mean?
It means it's fragile.
, , ?
"Oh yeah, and what's the point of that?"
It helps to see the tiny details more clearly.
, .
And I, we're going to play at being explorers wandering through the jungle.
Shall we play explorers?
, .
Yes, we're going to go explore the garden with a magnifying glass and imagine we're in the jungle.
, .
Look, there's a massive creature that lives in the jungle.
Sarah , .
Sarah was right, that caterpillar looked like a monster.
, , .
Oh, the butterfly.
He's as big as a bird.
, .
Oh, he's flown the coop.
The jungle is getting thicker and thicker here.
, .
Let's turn back, we should.
, , .
I'm not afraid, I'll keep going.
, , .
Good luck, I'll be waiting for you at the camp.
Caillou Caillou Gilbert Gilbert, , .
Bravely, Stone the explorer ventured deeper and deeper into the jungle. Stone imagined that Gilbert was a roaring lion. "Don't worry, Gilbert," he said, "it's just me."
, Caillou .
Upon hearing the thunder, Caillou was startled and a bit frightened.
Sarah, Sarah, ?
"Sarah, Sarah, did you call me?"
I heard a loud noise.
It might be some drummers sending us a message.
, , , .
It could have been players beating on drums, but in the end, I think it was thunder.
Caillou Sarah.
Caillou was thrilled to have lived through all his adventures and seen so many incredible things through Sarah's magnifying glass.
, , .
You know, Mom, I'm really going all out on this one.
And we heard more drums beating.
This tam-tam sends us a message.
Oh, really?
, .
Yes, they say we'll get soaked if we don't get back home soon.

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