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Caillou FRANÇAIS - Mousseline embête Caillou (S01E57) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français

Caillou construit une tour quand Mousseline l'embête. Maman leur dit de trouver une solution. Caillou lit, puis s'ennuie. Il rejoint Mousseline et ils jouent joyeusement. #Caillou #fraternite #lecondevieautrement
5 mins
Word Count
283 (156 unique words)
Arts & Literature
Social Issues
Sibling Relationships
Children's Literature
Family Dynamics
Caillou FRANÇAIS - Mousseline embête Caillou  (S01E57) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français
You're a big boy now.
I love being at home with you.
It's me, the big boy.
, .
I love it, it's me, that's all.
, lis-nous Caillou.
Grandma, read us our Caillou story.
, .
With pleasure, let's see what he got up to today.
, Mousseline Caillou.
The story I'm about to read is called "Mousseline Annoying Caillou".
Caillou .
Caillou was having a blast playing with his blocks.
He was about to build the world's tallest tower.
Caillou .
It was the tallest tower Caillou had ever built.
, Slim.
I don't want you to do that, Slim.
Mousseline, rends-moi .
Please hurry up and give me that mousseline.
Maman, Mousseline .
Mom, Mousseline's still bugging me.
She might just want to play with you.
, , .
Yes, I don't feel like playing with her.
I've got a lot on my plate.
, .
Listen, I can't always be there to fix your problems.
"But Mom."
deux .
It's up to the two of you to find a solution to your problems.
, .
No, it's not us.
Caillou .
Caillou was happy to read his book all by himself without Mousseline bothering him.
, , .
No, go on, I want you to leave my room.
Books are meant to be read, not to hit, hey stone, did you make your little sister cry? No.
Caillou Mousseline .
Caillou was happy that Mousseline had stopped bothering him.
Caillou .
Caillou had been playing by himself in his room for ages.
, .
And now, he was starting to get bored.
, quelqu'.
He wanted to play a game, but he wanted someone to play with.
He decided, therefore, to go find Mousseline.
Caillou Moustlie deux , Caillou Moustine .
Caillou remembered he liked playing with Moustlie. "Well, well, it seems you two are getting along better now," he thought. Now, Caillou was having a lot of fun with Moustine and he certainly didn't want his mom to come and bother them.
Her kids.

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