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Caillou FRANÇAIS - Le t-shirt préféré de Caillou (S01E16) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français

Caillou est triste car sa petite sœur porte son t-shirt préféré avec des nounours. Sa maman lui explique qu'il est trop petit pour lui maintenant. Caillou essaie de le récupérer et de le faire tenir, mais rien n'y fait. Finalement, sa maman le réconforte et lui propose de garder le t-shirt précieusement. #Caillou #tshirt #grandir
5 mins
Word Count
308 (169 unique words)
Arts & Literature
Children's Literature
Family & Parenting
Childhood Development
Caillou FRANÇAIS - Le t-shirt préféré de Caillou  (S01E16) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français
You're a big boy now.
I love being at home with you.
It's me, the big boy.
I'm Caillou.
It's me, Caillou.
Here it is.
Who wants me to tell them a story?
, est-ce .
Huh, what's this? Oh, it's just some teddy bears I see there.
This story is titled "Caillou's Favorite T-Shirt."
, , .
Here you go, here's Nounours, stay put.
, .
I'm sending it to you.
, .
It's your turn now.
Caillou .
Caillou couldn't believe his eyes.
Mousseline .
Mousseline wore her favorite t-shirt.
est-ce ?
What's up, rock?
, , .
Also, my favorite t-shirt, I've got it with the teddy bears.
, .
It's far too small for you, so I gave it to your little sister.
, .
He's not too small, it's not true, he's in love. I need to take off this muslin t-shirt, I'll bring you the one with the little mice on it. You see, it fits me perfectly.
, .
And there you have it, it's perfect.
Alright then.
est-il, est-il, , .
Is it, is it, it's the movie, it's not funny.
, .
Poor thing, he'd been lying on the rug for ages and his belly was itching like crazy. He just couldn't get his shirt tucked into his pants.
, , , Caillou .
After all, he might have been too small for it, but suddenly, Caillou had an idea.
He tried to attach his t-shirt with some adhesive tape.
I'll make it.
, .
You stay here.
Caillou .
Caillou was feeling really down.
, .
He knew his t-shirt no longer fit, but he didn't want to part with it.
Looking at this photo, you're wearing that t-shirt and you were just so adorable, you were only two. I was tiny too, wearing my teddy bear t-shirt. I'm sorry I gave it to Mousseline without asking you first. I forgot how much you loved that t-shirt. Caillou still loved it too, but he knew he had outgrown it and it was now too small for him. You know, we could find a place where you could still keep it.

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