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Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou et la poupée (S01E59) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français

Caillou fait une bêtise! Il veut maquiller la poupée de sa soeur mais la salit. 🙈 Il a peur d'être puni mais avoue tout à sa maman. Ouf! #Caillou #Honnêteté #leçon
5 mins
Word Count
344 (179 unique words)
Arts & Literature
Children's Literature
Children and Family
Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou et la poupée  (S01E59) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français
You're a big boy now.
I love being at home with you.
It's me, the big boy.
I love it, it's me.
Here it is.
Caillou, .
Poor Caillou, he looks like he's been up to no good.
, .
I wonder what happened.
We'll find out soon enough.
d'aujourd'hui Caillou .
Today's story is called "Caillou and the Doll".
jour-là, Caillou .
On that day, Caillou's mom was putting on makeup because she had to go out.
Caillou .
Caillou loved all his crayons very much.
It looked like a paint box.
est-ce , .
What are you doing, Mom? I'm putting on my makeup.
, Caillou .
"Why, to look prettier when I go out, Caillou thought his mom was very pretty."
Please don't mess around with that.
Julie Caillou, dirais-tu ?
Julie will be here soon, Caillou. How about we go downstairs and welcome her together?
She's really pretty.
, Mousseline .
If you'd like, you can go play by yourself while I get Mousseline ready for her nap.
Veux-tu , Caillou .
Would you like me to read you a story? Upon seeing Mom's makeup, Caillou got an idea.
Caillou, Caillou, .
Caillou, where are you? Answer me.
Caillou Julie .
Caillou knew he'd broken Julie's silk doll and feared she'd scold him.
You're here.
Caillou, est-ce , Mousseline .
Caillou, what were you up to? Oh no, Mousseline has woken up.
Caillou, est-ce Mousseline , est-ce .
Caillou, do you know where the doll Mousseline is? No? Are you sure? She left it in the bathroom earlier.
, est-ce , Caillou.
But what on earth is this? Get down from that trunk, Stone.
Caillou, .
Oh, Caillou, no way!
est-ce .
What happened to your doll? You're not happy, and Mom's not going to be happy about this at all.
, quelqu'un .
Oh no, it seems like someone's made a mistake.
, ?
Let's try to find a solution, okay?
Caillou Mousseline .
Caillou explained how he had damaged Mousseline's doll and how he had feared that everyone would be angry with him.
, , .
I wish I could have made the doll as pretty as you, mom, but I didn't manage to.
Caillou , .
Look at Caillou's muslin doll; she thinks her doll is very pretty.
I promise I won't do it again.
I know, darling.

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