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Métier passion, une fausse bonne idée ?

Le podcast #Passerelle explore la passion au travail, un sujet d'actualité ! L'épisode analyse pourquoi la passion est valorisée en entreprise, les pièges du "métier-passion" et si le travail doit nécessairement nous passionner. #Travail #Passion
22.7 mins
Word Count
2842 (795 unique words)
Career Changes
Job Satisfaction
Labor Rights
Passion and Work
Social Issues
Work & Careers
Work Ethic
Work-Life Balance

Vocab Notes

se méfier de
to be wary of, to distrust

This pronominal verb means to be suspicious of something or someone, or to not fully trust them. It can also convey a sense of caution.

se mettre la pression
to put pressure on oneself

This pronominal expression means to create stress or anxiety for oneself, often by setting high expectations or demanding a lot from oneself.

se prêter à quelque chose
to lend itself to something, to be suitable for something

This pronominal expression means that something is appropriate or adaptable for a specific purpose or situation.

mettre l'accent sur
to emphasize, to focus on

This expression means to give particular importance or attention to something. It's similar to 'to highlight' or 'to stress' in English.

passer au second plan
to take a back seat, to become less important

This expression means that something becomes secondary or less of a priority. It suggests that it's no longer the main focus or concern.

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