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Lettres : pourquoi (s’)écrire fait du bien ?

Dans son podcast "Passerelles", Emilie explore les bienfaits de l'écriture en s'appuyant sur le roman "La papeterie Tsubaki". L'écriture, comme la calligraphie dans le livre, permet de se comprendre, de tisser des liens et d'approfondir ses apprentissages. #écriture #roman #japon
21.9 mins
Word Count
2788 (902 unique words)
Arts & Literature
Books & Novels
Communication & Media
Digital Communication
Japanese Literature
Kamakura, Japan
Psychology & Mental Health
Social Issues
Tokyo, Japan
Passerelles, .
Welcome to Bridges, a podcast designed to spark the curiosity of French language learners.
Emilie , , .
Hi, I'm Emilie, and this week, as always, I'm inviting you to take a few minutes to reflect on a question together.
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In each episode, I try to bring you different topics to explore.
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My goal is simply to share some food for thought and encourage you to ask yourself questions in French.
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Today, let's talk about writing, letters, and a Japanese novel.
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It's becoming a bit of a habit, but once again, this week's topic was inspired by something I read.
, Kamakura.
This story begins in summer, in the Japanese city of Kamakura.
, A Toko.
Throughout the seasons, we follow A Toko's daily life.
Toko vingt-cinq .
Toko is a 25-year-old woman.
She's returning to her hometown after her grandmother's death.
The latter ran a stationery store, which she left to her granddaughter.
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A stationery store is a shop that sells paper.
Toko .
Toka is taking over the family paper company.
We follow her daily life and work.
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Following in her grandmother's footsteps, she took on the role of public letter writer in addition to managing the shop.
Kamakura, A Toko , .
In Kamakura, Toko comes across a wide array of characters, some of whom ask for her help.
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Being a public writer is a rather surprising profession in this day and age.
Toko .
Toko handwrites all kinds of letters for their clients.
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From condolence letters to love letters, including greeting cards, each type of correspondence must follow very specific rules.
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I don't know about you, but I hardly ever handwrite letters anymore.

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