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Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou joue au ballon (S01E61) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français

Caillou s'entraîne avec enthousiasme avant l'arrivée de son ami André, un champion de foot. Déterminé à lui ressembler, Caillou s'applique mais peine à frapper la balle. Découragé, il est prêt à abandonner mais André l'encourage à persévérer. Finalement, Caillou réussit et se sent comme un vrai champion ! #football #amitié #persévérance
5 mins
Word Count
308 (156 unique words)
Children & Childhood
Arts & Literature
Family & Parenting
Children's Literature
Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou joue au ballon  (S01E61) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français
You're a big boy now.
I love being at home with you.
It's me, the big boy.
I love my beautiful Caillou to bits.
Here it is.
, .
You've played soccer a lot, you must be tired.
Come sit next to me.
It's story time.
Caillou, .
Look at what Caillou is doing, he's playing with a ball.
d'aujourd'hui Caillou .
Today's story is titled "Caillou Plays Ball".
Caillou André .
Caillou was thrilled because his friend André was coming over to play ball with him.
Caillou, est-ce .
Caillou, what's that noise? You playing ball? I'm practicing.
You're training.
André .
André will be here soon.
, , .
You're happy? Yes, we're going to play ball and he's going to teach me lots of things, that was awesome.
André , .
I know André is a champ, but remember, we're not allowed to play ball inside the house.
Caillou André.
Caillou keeps training outdoors until André arrives.
André , .
Caillou looks to see who's there. "Hi, André," he says, "Watch out, Caillou!" "Yes, that's right."
André, .
André, you're a real champ.
Now, it's my turn.
Caillou André.
Caillou wanted to become a champion just like André.
I don't feel like playing anymore.
Do you remember when you learned to ice skate?
jour-là, .
Well, that day, you had to give it several tries before you finally succeeded.
, .
Here's the translation following your guidelines: > Hey, give it another try.
Caillou .
Caillou was sad.
André .
He wanted to show André that he could kick the ball.
, .
But try as he might, he just couldn't do it.
, , , , .
No, no, no, I'm done, I don't want to play anymore.
Caillou, .
Give it another try, Caillou, you can do it.
, André, .
I don't want to give it a try, André, it's too tough.
Give it another try.
Caillou .
Caillou agreed to give it another try.
, Caillou, .
Keep trying, Caillou, I know you can do it.
Moueline, .
We'd love to play with you, Moueline.
Caillou Caillou
Congratulations, you've done it, Caillou! Now that Caillou had kicked the ball, he felt like a real champion.

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