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Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou est tout seul (S01E04) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français

Caillou veut jouer avec ses parents mais ils sont occupés. Triste, il se retrouve seul, mais finalement s'amuse bien tout seul ! #Caillou #Grandir #JouerSeul
5 mins
Word Count
439 (195 unique words)
Family Life
Arts & Literature
Social Issues
Children's Literature
Child Development
Caillou FRANÇAIS - Caillou est tout seul  (S01E04) | conte pour enfant | Caillou en Français
You're a big boy now.
I love being at home with you.
It's me, the big boy.
I'm Caillou.
It's me, Caillou.
Here it is.
, .
It's story time, kids.
, Caillou.
Here you go, I've found your pebble.
He wasn't lost at all.
Caillou .
Let's see what Caillou did today.
d'aujourd'hui Caillou .
Today's story is called "Rocky is All Alone."
, , , Est-ce , Chcaillou, , trois, sept.
Yes, Mom, I'd like some fruit juice. Would you like to play with me, Mom? Sorry, I don't have time, plus three, plus seven.
I can help you count.
, deux, trois, quatre.
One, two, three, four.
Caillou, .
"Caillou, that's a tough one."
, , dix-sept, vingt-deux, , deux, trois.
But I can help you, I can help you, seventeen, twenty-two, one, two, three.
, Caillou, .
Oh no, Caillou, look what you've done.
, Caillou, .
Listen, Stone, I really need you to leave me alone.
, .
For the moment, I'm too busy to play.
, .
Go ask dad, maybe he'll play with you.
Caillou .
Caillou really wanted his mom to play with him.
, , Caillou .
Meanwhile, perhaps his dad would like to play with him, but Caillou didn't know that his dad was also very busy.
, .
Dad, dad.
, est-ce , , .
Oh, is it broken? No, it works now.
I fixed it.
You look like a snowman.
, .
Look, I'm a snowman too, Dad.
Caillou, .
Caillou, I've got a big cleaning job to tackle and I really need to do it all by myself.
Go ask if you can find Grandma.
Caillou .
Caillou was certain Grandma would love to hear the story of Dad and the washing machine.
, , Mousline.
Here it is, that's right, Mousline.
, .
Close your eyes, my darling.
I thought she'd never fall asleep.
It's been a long time.
, regarde-moi, .
Grandma, look at me, I'm a snowman.
Caillou, !
Shh, Caillou!
Mousseline .
Mousseline has just fallen asleep.
Papa , .
Dad fixed the washing machine, but it started spewing bubbles everywhere, covering him completely.
, .
If you'd seen it, there were bubbles everywhere, everywhere.
, Caillou, , .
Shh, Caillou, please, don't make a noise.
vas-tu gilbert Gilbert, ?
You're going to wake up Mousselyne, listen, it's better if I stay alone with her. Why don't you go play with Gilbert? Gilbert, would you like to play with me?
Maybe Mom's done counting.
, Caillou, .
I'm sorry, Caillou, I need some space right now.
, est-ce .
And you, would you like to play with me? Yeah.
Caillou, , .
Come on, sweetheart, your snack is ready.
Caillou .
Caillou was having so much fun by himself that he didn't even hear his mom calling him.
Caillou, est-ce .
Hi Caillou, how are you? You're all alone, we were starting to worry.
est-ce .
What are you up to? Nothing.
, .
I'm just having fun, that's all.

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